Mod Squad 4 Access

We are the MOD SQUAD


Making A

Since 2019, three friends joined forces to pave the way for the future of AAC. We have done more than reject old ideas and assumptions: We've started new ones. Guided by our tenacity, we fuse unique techniques from around the world of AAC to create a new understanding of communication and competency. The MOD Squad takes everything you thought you knew about how those with speech related disabilities communicate and blows it up. Destroying the old to make room for the new. To achieve optimal understanding, our messages take time to create, we can honestly say we are worth your patience.


“Not So Secret”

Access to Communication and Support is our recipe for success. Interdependence is key. Does anyone question Tiger Woods’ mastering the Masters because he has an experienced caddy? Absolutely not! Did anyone discount Dale Earnhardt Jr.’s checkered flag as he raced across the finish line because he had a highly trained team as his pit crew? Absolutely not! It is the same for us. We are interdependent. We are independent of thought and steer the conversation. We need partners in typing (PIT) to keep us in the race and firing on all cylinders. They are our support but we are the drivers to our final destination.


We Roll Deep


Reservoir Dogs.jpg

Connect with the MOD SQUAD on Instagram


We Are Mastering Our Destiny And You Get A Front Row Seat!

Connect with Otto Lana on Instagram
